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Virginia Business Roundtable for Early Education (VBREE) (opens in new window)

The Virginia Business Roundtable for Early Education (“VBREE” or “the Roundtable”) was founded in 2023 with the belief that Virginia’s prosperity and quality of life are inextricably dependent upon a strong early childhood education system. A nonprofit, nonpartisan initiative of the VECF board of directors, VBREE’s mission is to sustain and grow, through strategic financing, the supply of high quality, affordable and accessible child care, driving critical and multi-faceted benefits for the Commonwealth. VBREE is committed to educating the public, engaging diverse stakeholders, and driving innovation for the crucial role that accessible child care serves in Virginia’s workforce development and economy, including as a differentiator for Virginia in economic development, site selection, and workforce talent attraction and retention. VBREE strives to secure the increased investment and policy improvements needed for the Commonwealth’s best-in-class early education system to sustain its standing as the best state to live, work, and raise a family.

February 27, 2025

Virginia Promise in Action (opens in new window)

Virginia Promise in Action is a bipartisan 501(c)(4) organization focused on building the political will necessary to advance effective policy improvements and increase investment in Virginia’s child care system. Alongside their companion organization, the Virginia Promise Partnership, Virginia Promise in Action is leading a campaign to achieve the goal of ensuring all Virginia families have access to quality, affordable child care by 2030.

February 27, 2025

Virginia Promise Partnership (opens in new window)

The Virginia Promise Partnership is a coalition of leading organizations working together to achieve the bold goal of ensuring all Virginia families have access to affordable, quality child care by 2030, regardless of income.

February 27, 2025

Voices for Virginia's Children (opens in new window)

Voices for Virginia’s Children is the commonwealth’s only independent, multi-issue child policy and advocacy organization. They are focused on children whose needs are often overlooked, concentrating our efforts on policies in early childhood, foster care and adoption, health and mental health, and family economic security.

February 27, 2025

Register for an Observer Interest Session (opens in new window)

Register to attend an Observer Interest Session

January 29, 2025

Measuring Quality Interactions (opens in new window)

The quality of interactions between teachers and children is measured in VQB5 through use of the nationally recognized Classroom Assessment Scoring System (CLASS). In VQB5, over 30,000 CLASS observations are completed annually in over 10,000 infant, toddler and preschool classrooms, including family day homes. This provides educators with frequent and actionable feedback to guide improvement.

January 29, 2025

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