Parenting and Caregiving – Early Care Support
The first five years are the most important to a child’s well-being, and their development relies on the daily interactions they have with adults in their lives. As a child’s first teacher, it is essential for parents and caregivers to be knowledgeable and supported throughout their journey.

New Family Support
Welcoming a new baby into the world is a transformative experience, filled with joy, challenges, and a whirlwind of emotions. As families embark on this journey, having a solid support system can make all the difference. Community resources play a vital role in helping new families navigate the complexities of caring for their little one.
Early Impact Virginia
Urban Baby Beginnings
Birth in Color
Little Hands Virginia
Support Programs for New Military Parents | Military OneSource
Nursing Families Returning to Work Guide - A Guide to Success

90% of a child’s brain is developed by age 5. When parents engage positively with their children in the early years, then children will be set up for success in school and in life.
Learn more about how to make that time count with 90by5 from VPM and the Robins Foundation.

Health & Nutrition
By focusing on prevention, promotion, early identification, and intervention, families can access the resources and support they need to overcome various barriers and challenges and transform their health outcomes. Prioritizing health and nutrition equity ensures that children start school healthy and prepared for success.
CoverVA - Insurance (Medicaid for Children and FAMIS)
Virginia Vaccines for Children (VVFC)
Vaccines & Immunizations | CDC
Safe Sleep
Shaken Baby Awareness/Abusive Head Trauma
Virginia Women, Infants, and Children (WIC)
Protective Factors to Prevent Child Abuse and Neglect
ACEs and Toxic Stress

Child Development Resources
These free resources collectively empower families to support their young children’s growth, fostering a nurturing environment for overall child-wellbeing and development that will lead to school readiness.

The Basics Virginia
Thrive Birth to Five serves as the backbone of The Basics Virginia. The Basics is five science–based parenting and caregiving tenets that support social, emotional, and cognitive development of children birth to five. The Basics movement aims to help every family help every child reach their full potential.
Learn the Signs
Zero to Three
Early Impact Virginia
Early Childhood Developmental Support
You know your child best. If you are concerned about your baby or young child’s growth in speech and language, physical, social-emotional, or cognitive development there are supports you can access for assistance.
- If your child is under 3 years old, find your local point of entry using the Central Directory tool from Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia.
- If your child is 3 years old or older, call your local public elementary school (event if your child does not go to school there yet) and say: “I have concerns about my child’s development and I would like to have my child evaluated through the school system for preschool special education services.”
Champion for Your Child
The Infant and Toddler Connection of Virginia

Mental Health Support
A child’s development is deeply connected to their parents’ well-being. The relationship between parent and child serves as a vital source of healing and positive change for the entire family.
Partners in Parenting
Virginia Association for Infant Mental Health (VAIMH)
Virginia Mental Health Access Program
Greater Richmond SCAN

Community Supports
Family support is essential for emotional resilience, particularly during stressful or challenging times. It fosters a sense of security and belonging, enhances coping mechanisms, and contributes to overall mental health and well-being.
2-1-1 Virginia
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Homeless Connection Line of Greater Richmond
Resources in Your Community
Click on your locality using the map or the locality names below for a list of resources.
Get In Touch
Connect with Thrive Birth to Five to learn more.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Goochland.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the city of Emporia.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the city of Petersburg.
Colonial Heights
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the city of Colonial Heights.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the city of Richmond.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Hanover.
New Kent
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of New Kent.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Henrico.
Prince George
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Prince George.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Surry.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Sussex.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Greensville.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Dinwiddie.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Chesterfield.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the county of Powhatan.
Charles City
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for Charles City.
Click the button below to download a Data Snapshot with Early Childhood Care and Education data for the city of Hopewell.
Charles City
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Charles City, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Chesterfield County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Colonial Heights
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Colonial Heights, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Dinwiddie County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Emporia, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Goochland County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Greensville County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Hanover County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Henrico County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Hopewell, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
New Kent
Download the PDF for a list of resources for New Kent County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Petersburg, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Powhatan County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Prince George
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Prince George County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Richmond, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Surry County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Sussex County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Charles City
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Charles City, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Charles City
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Charles City, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Chesterfield County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Chesterfield County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Colonial Heights
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Colonial Heights, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Colonial Heights
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Colonial Heights, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Dinwiddie County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Dinwiddie County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Emporia, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Emporia, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Greensville County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Greensville County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Goochland County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Goochland County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Hanover County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Hanover County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Henrico County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Henrico County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Hopewell, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Hopewell, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
New Kent
Download the PDF for a list of resources for New Kent County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
New Kent
Download the PDF for a list of resources for New Kent County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Petersburg, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Petersburg, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Powhatan County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Powhatan County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Prince George
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Prince George County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Prince George
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Prince George County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Richmond, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for the city of Richmond, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Surry County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Surry County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Sussex County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.
Download the PDF for a list of resources for Sussex County, including links to public schools, Pre-K registration, Social Services, the Health Department, and more.